lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2017

What did I learn about the theme: DECIMAL NUMBERS / PLACE AND VALUE

Decimal numbers are divided into whole numbers, decimal numbers and decimal point.

For example:  In the number 43.61 the whole number is 43, then we can see the decimal point and finally, the decimal number, 61

Now, to write the place value of a decimal number we have to know that a palce value in a decimal number is different from one whole number.

In a Whole number, the number situated at the right site is in the ones position and we continue with the next at the left site.


It is different if we talk about a decimal number. In a decimal number we begin with the numer right next to the decimal point and we know the first number at the left is in the Tenth position. 

The most important part of a decimal number is the decimal point because without it we are lost. We need it to know the exact position of a number. The numbers situated at the left of a the decimal point are whole numbers and the numbers situated at the right are the decimal numbers. As we move further left, the number is ten times bigger. As we move further right, the number is ten times smaller. So, a number placed in the tenth position is bigger than a number situated in the ten thousandths position. 

And this is all I understood about decimals. 

What did I learn about the theme: DECIMAL NUMBERS / PLACE AND VALUE

Decimal numbers are divided into whole numbers, decimal numbers and decimal point. For example:  In the number 43.61 the whole number is 4...